An audit-proof email archiving and Document Management System

PrimaV® DMS – a Document Management System with email archiving

Tested and certified according to the auditors at IDW PS 880: The successful and audit-proof solution for digitising your document archive.

Find, process and share information quickly and whenever you want. Accelerate business processes and structure workflows more efficiently: The PrimaV® Document Management System is an important step on your path to a truly paperless office.

PrimaV® DMS

Time for change –
Time for digital archiving-

·        Supports MS Outlook, PrimaV® Organiser and mail clients with IMAP mail retrieval

·        Incoming document processing can be set to manual, semi-automated, automated

·        Receipt scanning

·        Automatic text recognition of scanned documents (OCR function)

·        Comprehensive search and filter functions with automated keywording

·        Assignment of access rights

·        Certificate management for coding and decryption of archived emails

·        Activity logging

·        Multi-client capability

·        Archiving of all common file types            

·        Archival page count per year: 500,000 pages

·        Cost-neutral database system

  • “Supports MS Outlook, PrimaV® Organiser and mail clients with IMAP mail retrieval
  • Incoming document processing can be set to manual, semi-automated, automated
  • Receipt scanning
  • Automatic text recognition of scanned documents (OCR function)
  • Comprehensive search and filter functions with automated keywording
  • Assignment of access rights
  • Certificate management for coding and decryption of archived emails
  • Activity logging
  • Multi-client capability
  • Archiving of all common file types
  • Archival page count per year: 500,000 pages
  • Cost-neutral database system”

Tested and certified audit-proof archiving

“PrimaV® DMS is tested and certified according to auditors at IDW PS 880 for all compliance with proper accounting principles when using information technology in accordance with §§ 238, 239 and 257 HGB, the BMF order on the guidance for proper management and storage of ledgers, records and documents in electronic form and for data access (GoBD).

For maximum security in your archives…”

PrimaV® DMS is seamlessly integrated into PrimaV® Packaging but can also be used as a stand-alone solution in connection with various ERP systems.

The PrimaV® DMS offers digital archiving of your business processes to ensure smooth and complete process management for your company, keeping all your documents at your fingertips at all times.

In the PrimaV® DMS, you can index and store documents uniformly so that your team can find them quickly and easily in the central archive. This significantly reduces time per document processed.

By digitising all your work processes, you can ensure complete traceability for all the steps used in document processing. This gives you a solid foundation to be legally compliant and have an audit-proof archive. PrimaV® DMS does it all for you.